
Hi, my name is Michel Tokic and I like to welcome you to my website!

At this place, I share some of my research stuff and publications with the community. My research interests are in artificial intelligence with an emphasis on reinforcement learning. I love to develop artificial agents that learn skills through sensorimotor interactions.

In 2013 I attained my PhD at the Institute of Neural Information Processing @ Ulm University under the supervision of Prof. Günther Palm. The title of my dissertation was „Reinforcement Learning with Adaptive Control of Exploration and Exploitation“. In 2014 I joined Siemens AG / Technology in Munich as a research scientist, where my current focus is on data analytics and artificial intelligence for production machines, traffic systems and gasturbines. During the past years I trained neural control policies for production machines and gasturbines, and modelled high-dimensional dynamical systems using recurrent neural networks.

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